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Palette Pack Use (JASC)
Submitted by ArgCmdr

What are they?
These files are simple 256-color ASCII or HEX information for graphical programs or applications to apply to a file, routine or animation. In this case, the palettes referred as for example, "allied to yuri", when applied, make all allied colors in the image turn to yuri colors, as in the new palette, the allied colors dont exist anymore, but in its place, the other referred scheme is existant. For better use on appliance, on most cases, its recommended to use Mantain Indexes method. The other palettes, replace remappable colors with non remappable, viceversa, and such.
Its use for recolors is ideal and complemented by Jasc Image Robot. A trial can be got at, however the full program can work out unit recolors in seconds. If your CPU is fast enough, you may as well try using XCC Mixer to make infantry a single pcx and apply the palette there, however, the lag CPU can receive can be serious, so don´t try with less than 64 MB RAM.

What does each one make?
Alliedtobrick Replaces Allied colors in the image with the "Brick scheme", used for Soviet SHPs
Alliedtogreyscale Replaces Allied colors in the image with a half size greyscale
Alliedtoremap Replaces Allied colors with the remappable colors (Turns all Allied colors to remappable)
Alliedtosov Replaces Allied Colors to Soviet Colors
Alliedtoyuri Replaces Allied colors to Yuri Colors
Allschemize Turns all schemes except remap colors to Allied Colors
Allschemizeremap Turns all schemes (remaps included) to Allied Colors
Bricktoallied Turns all Soviet Brick Scheme colors in the image to Allied Colors
Bricktogreyscale Turns all Soviet Brick Scheme colors in the image to a half size greyscale
Bricktoremap Turns all Soviet Brick Scheme colors in the image to remappable colors (Turns all Soviet Brick Scheme colors to remappable)
Bricktosov Turns all Soviet Brick Scheme colors in the image to Soviet Colors
Bricktoyuri Turns all Soviet Brick Scheme colors in the image to Yuri Colors
Brown1toallied Turns all Brown1 colors in the image to Allied Colors
Brown1tobrick Turns all Brown1 colors in the image to Soviet Brick Scheme colors
Brown1togreyscale Turns all Brown1 colors in the image to a half size greyscale
Brown1toremap Turns all Brown1 colors in the image to remappable colors (Turns all Brown1 colors to remappable)
Brown1tosov Turns all Brown1 colors in the image to Soviet Colors
Brown1toyuri Turns all Brown1 colors in the image to Yuri Colors
Brown2toallied Turns all Brown2 colors in the image to Allied Colors
Brown2tobrick Turns all Brown2 colors in the image to Soviet Brick Scheme colors
Brown2togreyscale Turns all Brown2 colors in the image to a half size greyscale
Brown2toremap Turns all Brown2 colors in the image to remappable colors (Turns all Brown2 colors to remappable)
Brown2tosov Turns all Brown2 colors in the image to Soviet Colors
Brown2toyuri Turns all Brown2 colors in the image to Yuri Colors
Greyscaletoallied Turns all Greyscale colors in the image to Allied Colors
Greyscaletobrick Turns all Greyscale colors in the image to Soviet Brick Scheme colors
Greyscaletoremap Turns all Greyscale colors in the image to remappable colors (Turns all greyscale colors to remappable)
Greyscaletosov Turns all Greyscale colors in the image to Soviet Colors
Greyscaletoyuri Turns all Greyscale colors in the image to Yuri Colors
Remaptoallied Turns all Remappable colors in the image to Allied Colors
Remaptobrick Turns all Remappable colors in the image to Soviet Brick Scheme colors
Remaptogreyscale Turns all Remappable colors in the image to a half sized greyscale
Remaptosov Turns all Remappable colors in the image to Soviet Colors
Remaptoyuri Turns all Remappable colors in the image to Yuri Colors
Soviettobrick Turns all Soviet colors in the image to Soviet Brick Scheme colors
Soviettogreyscale Turns all Soviet colors in the image to a half sized greyscale
Soviettoremap Turns all Soviet colors in the image to Remappable colors (Turns all Soviet colors to remappable)
Sovschemize Turns all schemes except remaps to Soviet Colors
Sovschemizeremap Turns all schemes to Soviet Colors
Sovtoallied Turns all Soviet colors in the image to Allied colors
Sovtoyuri Turns all Soviet colors in the image to Yuri colors
Yurischemize Turns all schemes except remaps to Yuri Colors
Yurischemizeremap Turns all schemes to Yuri Colors
Yuritoallied Turns all Yuri colors in the image to Allied Colors
Yuritobrick Turns all Yuri colors in the image to Soviet Brick Scheme colors
Yuritogreyscale Turns all Yuri colors in the image to a half size greyscale
Yuritoremap Turns all Yuri colors in the image to Remappable colors (Turns all Yuri colors to remappable)
Yuritosov Turns all Yuri colors in the image to Soviet Colors

Other palettes sustitute Remappable colors with Non Remappable, Non Remappable with Remappable and those combinations (Cannis_Palettes_v1)

Scheme references: Remap 16-31 Greyscale 32-63 Soviet 64-79 Allied 80-95 Brick 96-111 Yuri 112-127 Brown1 128-143 Brown2 144-159

Its rather easy: follow these steps, in this example, we will make a recolor.

Click on Edit ---> Image List
> Click on Add to add files to the list. This list represents the location of all the files that will be used in the script, for example, the frames of an infantry you want to recolor
> Click on Save and you will have an *.IRL file, an Image Robot List, which you will reference further.
> Now close Image List window, and look at the program window. Go to the Available Commands Box in the left.
> Use the scrollbar to find Set Input Options. Click Browse, and select that IRL file you just made.
> Click on OK.
> You have just added a routine to the script. Generally, a recolor has four routines.
> Next, look for Apply a New Palette in that Available Commands box. Select the palette, and the method you will use, in this case, and select method. For example when recoloring a unit from allied to yuri scheme, you will use, Alliedtoyuri.pal with Mantain Indexes method.
> Once done, look for the same command in Available Commands box. This will re apply the old palette in the image, but so the colors on allied scheme have changed (again, in this case). Select unittem.pal (This pack is all based in this game palette, so ALWAYS use unittem) and select Nearest Color Matching method (In ecoloring cases. When changing remaps it doesnt work that way).
> Once added, go to Available Commands Box again, and select Set Output Options. Select where the files will be saved and as what type of file. FOR RA2 SHPs its optimal to use PCX format, Version 5 (In the below sub Type).

This way, you should have a complete script ready to run. Beware not to set output settings on input folder, or files will be overwritten, if you comitted a mistake in the script, there is no way to undo.
Once ready, click start to begin recoloring.

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