Welcome to YR:Argentina
The No.1 place for RA2 resources
Looking for Staff of Yuri's Revenge Argentina
, May 22, 2011 by Martinoz |
Hello, It's my first topic or news as the administrator of Yuri's Revenge Argentina. I've became an admin of this website in last 3 or 4 weeks, and we made a major step for revival of this website. As you see, the current site is outdated, missing a lot of resource assets that could be available for download. However we are working on the new version with website with new features like:
- Multiple File Downloading using checkboxes - Search Function, you can search via author, filename, tags, whatever you want - Ingame/preview pics are resized into thumbnails. Clicking on them will open full-sized image in lightbox. - Easy and reliable system of placing download positions in articles. - Download statistics - For people who don't want to send an e-mail with files to the site administrator, there is a function to upload the files.
There is not much work to be done at the moment, in last 3 weeks since 1st May, with the help of Speeder I've uploaded almost 500 files with ingame/preview pics - I've also found and uploaded stuff from dead modding websites like Pixelops. People who saw the website can agree, that I'm not lying with over 500 files uploaded . If you have the files from the modding websites that are currently inactive, please send them to me. Actually I'm looking for people who:
- Will post the articles about modding, tutorials, new files etc. - Will upload new files to the website - Will search for new public files on every modding website and contact with author - If you are making shps, voxels or maps, and you want your work uploaded fast and simple, it's a great place for you . |
The Daz and the lefthand are still around
, March 26, 2007 by MaryJo |
Daz and lefthand have sent some of their outstanding work, and this is what they got:
Daz' Colonial Battlestar

and lefthand's LoadScreens: 
Note: i'm going to change i mistake i made on the voxelcomp '06 |
Voxel Section Editor III 1.32 is online!
, February 13, 2007 by Banshee |
Hello everyone! I've released the new Voxel Section Editor III 1.32 that comes to improve several important aspects of the program. The first priority was the auto normals, which still had few problems. The second change was the adition of some short cuts which were available on the old VXLSE II. And, as a bonus, I've ressurected the 3D preview window from the VXLSE II 2.1 SE OpenGL version totally adapted to the new rendering code. The old preview still works and both can be used together (in this case, at half speed until I find a way to bypass this limitation).
So, I highly recommend everyone to update your VXLSE III to the latest version. Here's the change log:

Voxel Section Editor III 1.32 ChangeLog: - revisions by Banshee - Added: 3D Preview window from VXLSE II 2.1 OpenGL edition is now back and it can render together with the current Preview (at half speed, in this case). It can also be resized and all features from the traditional preview were incorporated into it. - Added: Shortcuts from VXLSE II are back. You can move the X, Y and Z axis by pressing x, y and z. To move backwards, add shift to it. Some other random shortcuts were added. - Updated: Autonormalizer is now even better. Now it uses the concept of influence area to no longer miss the direction on few specific cases.
Support for this tool is available at the Voxel Section Editor III forum (guest posting allowed).
You can download it at our Utilities Section. If you own a fan site, you can place this program on your site for download. If you wanna modify it, go ahead. But on both cases, make sure that Will, Plasmadroid, Koen, Stucuk and I are credited for our efforts. And, happy voxelling! |
Aqua Arg Done!
, September 22, 2006 by MaryJo |
finally! and after a lot of work i've finished the layout that mig eater made for Yrarg. honestly, i almost had a nervous breakdown while i was adding the voxels section well, that's it, check out the site!
I hope you like me as the Yrarg's webmaster
oh, here are a few additions to download sections:
Factionmk's DemoDog 
and BaRaKa's H-bomb Silo 
the files located in the Dloaddb will be changed to normal windows soon... well see ya! |
OS HVA Builder 2.1 and OS Voxel Viewer 1.7
, September 5, 2006 by Banshee |
Yesterday I've released updated versions from both OS HVA Builder and OS Voxel Viewer. Now, both programs render your voxels faster, aligned and with better remappables. OS HVA Builder 2.1 can also associate your with your HVA files and includes some interface improvements. These changes make these tools a reliable way to preview and setup your voxel group (body, turret and barrel) withou running the game.
The utilities section is now updated with them.